New Years resolution #1 - finish organising my craft room so it's usable.
New Years resolution #2 - get back into blogging regularly and be a better blogger.
So I'm trying out a new way of blogging, to try to make it easier, using blogpress on my iPod. As a test run, here are some photos of things I have been making lately, and some thifty finds.
Canvas set made for mum for Xmas, it's a bit hard to see in the photo but they say Create, Play, Be.
Fabric covered bead necklaces. I made a few more of these as Xmas gifts, but didn't take photos (bad blogger!!).
Pairs of retro wooden tile earrings.
And a major thrift store score, a cotton reel holder for 10 cents.
A candlewick bedspread for $2.
And a glass jar with fancy lid for $2. Also the doily in the necklace & earring photos for $1.
I'm still about a month behind in reading all the blog posts from blogs I follow, and it's impossible to catch up. I think I follow too many blogs, but I can't stand to give any of them up, because they are all so great. Everyone should take a months blogging break so I can catch up.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone.