Friday, September 30, 2011

A month of costumes

Starting tomorrow, the 1st of October, I'm going to start something here. October is going to be "the month of costumes" over here on my poor neglected blog. I'm doing this for a few reasons; I love Halloween, and I have always been quite sad that here in NZ Halloween is not a big thing, in fact its almost not a thing at all; I really need to get back into the blogging groove, I lost my mojo a while back and it's been hard to find it again; I just HAD to make a costume for my latest obsession, steampunk, but had no valid reason to justify making it, so I had to make one up; and most of all, I just love playing dress ups.

So each day I will post photos of me (cringe) dressed up in a costume that I created/put together, mostly from stuff I already have plus a few things picked up from a dollar store or thrift store.

What's the point of this? Well, it's really just a challenge for me, to post on the blog everyday, to come up with 31 costumes, and to finish something I started. But I hope it will also inspire some readers to have fun with costumes, instead of just walking into a costume/fancy dress hire shop and getting someone else to find a costume for you. I want to show how easy it can be to put together a fun costume for just about any event, without spending a fortune. Another aspect of it that I hope will be helpful is the plus size factor, because I am a plus size "model" all the costumes I show will obviously be plus size appropriate. It has always annoyed me that ready-made costumes are not readily available in plus sizes, unless you want to buy online and pay a fortune.

So if you are interested, or even just a little bit curious, come back tomorrow for Day 1 - Steampunk.